Nederlandse Natuurkundige Vereniging

EduQuation op FYSICA

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EduQuation op FYSICA

Gepubliceerd: 29 March 2024 09:22

During the open FYSICA -market on Friday, April 12th , EduQuation will organize a Quantum gameroom where every FYSICA participant is welcome. As students, by the name EduQuation and on behalf of QuantumTLC Eindhoven, they aim to introduce students from different educational levels to quantum mechanics through (video)games. In the gameroom, you can play games like quantum Tiq-Taq-Toe and chess with quantum mechanical phenomena. Have you always wanted to try Virtual Reality? In QuantumVR, you can try this yourself and tunnel your way through the different levels. Furthermore, they focus on developing interactive and playful modules to offer them to high schools, among others. If you're interested and want to learn more or get an impression of these Quantum games by playing them yourself, be sure to stop by on April 12th and hopefully we'll see you there!