Nederlandse Natuurkundige Vereniging

Invitation for Summer School Science Communication 2024

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Invitation for Summer School Science Communication 2024

Gepubliceerd: 26 February 2024 14:58

Invitation for Summer School Science Communication 2024

Would you like to learn more about communicating your research to other audiences than the scientific community? Are you available from 1-5 July 2024? Then we have an interesting opportunity for you.

The Science Communication and Society department from Leiden University is inviting young researchers (PhD, postdoc, or other early career) to join our Summer School about science communication. Our Summer School is open to scholars from all disciplines in science, including social science, natural science and humanities.

 Over the span of one week, you will get theoretical perspectives about science communication, practice science communication skills and apply both these insights and skills during the development of a science communication product. A variety of guest speakers will share their experiences in the field and best practices with you, while our team of Science Communication scientists from Leiden University will guide you through this exciting week by offering workshops, assignments and literature.


The programme will include:

• Introduction to science communication and an inspirational insight into a wide variety of SciCom products.

• Lectures on communication theory, target audiences, how to include outreach in your academic career, most relevant literature and best practices.

• Presentations by guest speakers about their experiences with different types of science communication.

• Workshops on social media and science journalism.

• Guidance on development of a science communication product, which you will work on throughout the week in groups and which will be finished with a festive presentation at the end.

The Summer School takes place in Leiden (on-site) from 1 – 5 July 2024. The registration fee is €450,-. Coffee/tea and lunch will be provided, as well as a closing reception on Friday. We have space for 20-25 participants.


Since there is a limited amount of spots available to partake in the Summer School programme, we ask you to include a motivation letter (max. 1 page) and your CV (max. 1 page) in which you cover the following:

• Why you want to participate

• What you hope to learn

• Your experience in science communication (no previous experience is required, we just want to know the level of experience of participants).


If you’re interested, please register here before March 29, 2024. See our website for more information.