About us
Founded in 1921, the Netherlands’ Physical Society (NNV) is the organization representing physicists in The Netherlands. NNV stands up for physics in secondary and higher education and scientific research in The Netherlands. NNV aims to contribute to a strong knowledge base and an excellent scientific research environment.
NNV serves the interests of all Dutch physicists, whether they are employed in research, education, private companies or government. The society fosters contact between its members and individuals abroad, societies and organizations in the field of physics. NNV organizes conferences, is involved in improvement and innovation of Dutch science education and the society supports outreach activities, specifically targeting students in elementary and secondary schools. NNV has initiated the website natuurkunde.nl and publishes the NTvN, the Dutch Journal for Physics.
NNV’s sections are dedicated to various subfields of physics, the private sector and education. Each section organizes specific activities, e.g. conferences.